Friday, April 30, 2010

The 5 Senses

A dolphin has 5 senses just like humans. Sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Dolphins have an acute vision both in and out of the water. A dolphin's eye is particulary adapted for seeing in water. Even though dolphins see a blur in water, some things they see are very bright and clear. They have a light reflecting layer that reflects light through the eye, giving them an enchanted vision in dim light. Their sense of hearing, is the most reliable, and most powerful. Dolphins respond to tones within the frequency range of 1 to 150 kHz. That is 9 times more than the human range of hearing. Most hearing takes place through the lower jaw. The jaw has soft tissue surrounding the ear, so it makes the jaw a perfect tool to recive a sound. A dolphin's sense of touch is well developed. A dolphin's skin seems to be sensitive to certain things it touches. A dolphin's sense of taste is shown through its taste buds, but we aren't really sure. Dolphins don't really use their blowholes for smell, its more for breathing, so a dolphin's sense of smell isn't the best! :)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bottlenose Dolphin: Mudflat Hunting

As you can see in this video, Mudflat fishing can be dangerous and risky. Thats why dolphins have powerful tails to get the fish they need and get back into the water.

Friday, April 2, 2010


Dolphins mainly eat fish and squid, but there are other foods that dolphins enjoy. Different species of dolphin are known to perfer different types of food. Mackerels are known to have as much fat as squid so dolphins would usually perfer mackerel instead of other fish. Dolphins also feast on plankton and smaller variteties of fish as well. Herrings and cod also have a big part in their diet. When feasting, dolphins work together in pods, driving fish in different directions allowing other dolphins to eat! Another fishing technique is called Mudflat fishing. Dolphins trap fish near the sandy shore and then throw themselves up on the shore and grab the fish struggling to get back in the water. It is a dangerous task, but to the dolphins, all you need is skill and strength! It's all team work when hunting for a good meal!

Parts of a dolphin

Dolphins have many parts, but the ones on this picture are the most common. The median notch is the middle part of the dolphin's tail. It provides strength, speed and flexibility for the dolphin while swimming. The flukes provide speed as well. The dorsal fin on the top of the dolphin is used for balance when gliding in the water. The ear is hardly noticed, but hearing is a dolphin's best sense. Their eye sight isnt as good as their hearing, they mostly see a blur in water. A dolphin's blowhole is used for breathing. They don't really use it for smelling. The blowhole closes up when underwater, but when a dolphin reaches the surface, it opens up. Dolphins are not fish, so it has to breathe air just like humans.

My Dolphin Quote

Dolphin's have something that make me smile, I guess that is why i love them so much. :)